Our Blogapalooza 2015: Seasons Experience
Since I have taken blogging seriously as a career last August 2014, I haven't really been able to attend any of the blog events that most of my fellow writers in the field frequent. I just look at their posts and tell myself that I'll be there with them one day, if I can pry myself away from my oh so comfortable mom cave, that is. I just wasn't that interested in going out to be honest, the blog has been doing well without my presence at events.
After a year in the blogosphere, I suddenly became curious and wanted to know what the fuzz was all about. So when I saw an announcement for this year's Blogapalooza I was dead set on giving it a go. I was adamant. Dave was very supportive, but couldn't really fathom the thought of me attending the said event by myself. So, I told him, he should go instead of me. But certain things were conspiring against it, like hosting a party at our house a day before the Blogapalooza. I would never have let him go knowing we'd already be tired because of the get-together. He needed his rest, he does have a day job on weekdays. I don't know why I still signed up for the event when there was little to no chance of going, but I did. A couple of weeks later, the party got cancelled and an announcement from Blogapalooza about plus one's just paved the way for both of us to go.
We woke up pretty early on October 25, Sunday and left for One Esplanade at around 7AM, we wanted to be early birds since we didn't know what to expect at events like this one. Took the LRT and MRT, and instead of a cab, we just hailed a jeepney and rode at the front seat alongside the driver since it wasn't that hot in those hours yet. Jeepney rides beside the driver just took me back to our college days, it was nostalgic. We stayed at Starbucks, MOA for a while, had drinks and rehearsed a bit (basically about how to promote our blog to businesses) to pass time. With 30 minutes to spare, we took a cab to the venue.
At the registration area, I was immediately greeted and asked if I was a blogger and was asked if Dave was my plus one. Before I could correct the person and say that my husband was a blogger too, she handed us a Blogger and Guest pass already. Well, Dave didn't actually mind, he just wanted to get inside. We were also given a map, schedule and a small feedback form which we forgot about and only remembered when we arrived home haha.
As I've said, we were early birds, so the venue wasn't packed with people yet when we arrived. We could move around One Esplanade more freely without bumping into the other attendees, score for the only pregnant lady there, me! Haha. The room wasn't that big, and there weren't that many booths. All of these worked to our advantage as newbies to this kind of event, no intimidation factor or anything to overwhelm us first timers. Everything was actually working in our favor so to speak.
Upon entering the premises the I Am Cardboard PH booth was the first thing that you'll end up going to since it's literally a few steps away from the door. I've seen those virtual reality cardboard boxes by Google before so I wasn't that surprised by it, but Dave was. He didn't know what they were at first, but once he found out he just couldn't pass up the chance of trying them right away. He watched Inception was totally amazed by the whole experience, too bad we didn't get to take home one haha.
We got to taste great food! There was Amada's Leche Flan, a delectable sweet treat based on a well-kept family recipe made from only the finest ingredients.
I have never tasted lechon that didn't need any sauce to make it taste good. And that was what Manong's Lechon Cebu was all about, it didn't need a sauce of any kind, the lechon can hold its own when it comes to flavor!
We were looking forward to tasting what the Bagwings food truck had to offer, unfortunately the line was too long and they weren't that fast in serving people food either. So we just decided to take a pass.
We got to see local artists doing what they do best. Oh and let's not forget about meeting some cool zombies lurking around the whole time haha!
We woke up pretty early on October 25, Sunday and left for One Esplanade at around 7AM, we wanted to be early birds since we didn't know what to expect at events like this one. Took the LRT and MRT, and instead of a cab, we just hailed a jeepney and rode at the front seat alongside the driver since it wasn't that hot in those hours yet. Jeepney rides beside the driver just took me back to our college days, it was nostalgic. We stayed at Starbucks, MOA for a while, had drinks and rehearsed a bit (basically about how to promote our blog to businesses) to pass time. With 30 minutes to spare, we took a cab to the venue.
(Photo from Blogapalooza Facebook Page)
At the registration area, I was immediately greeted and asked if I was a blogger and was asked if Dave was my plus one. Before I could correct the person and say that my husband was a blogger too, she handed us a Blogger and Guest pass already. Well, Dave didn't actually mind, he just wanted to get inside. We were also given a map, schedule and a small feedback form which we forgot about and only remembered when we arrived home haha.
As I've said, we were early birds, so the venue wasn't packed with people yet when we arrived. We could move around One Esplanade more freely without bumping into the other attendees, score for the only pregnant lady there, me! Haha. The room wasn't that big, and there weren't that many booths. All of these worked to our advantage as newbies to this kind of event, no intimidation factor or anything to overwhelm us first timers. Everything was actually working in our favor so to speak.
Upon entering the premises the I Am Cardboard PH booth was the first thing that you'll end up going to since it's literally a few steps away from the door. I've seen those virtual reality cardboard boxes by Google before so I wasn't that surprised by it, but Dave was. He didn't know what they were at first, but once he found out he just couldn't pass up the chance of trying them right away. He watched Inception was totally amazed by the whole experience, too bad we didn't get to take home one haha.
I have never tasted lechon that didn't need any sauce to make it taste good. And that was what Manong's Lechon Cebu was all about, it didn't need a sauce of any kind, the lechon can hold its own when it comes to flavor!
We were looking forward to tasting what the Bagwings food truck had to offer, unfortunately the line was too long and they weren't that fast in serving people food either. So we just decided to take a pass.
We got to see local artists doing what they do best. Oh and let's not forget about meeting some cool zombies lurking around the whole time haha!
Met like-minded groups of people who spoke the same language we did. Well, Dave mostly haha. We zoned in on the vOffice, Snipe PH, Emporia and BitDefender booths. Typical of us to focus on them, since we both are programmers/developers plus my husband's a geek through and through.
The Highlights
We got to meet Vince Golangco, the CEO and Editor in Chief of When In Manila! I even had a picture taken with him. It wasn't planned, Dave actually dragged me when he saw Vince after he stepped off the stage. I'm a bit shy since I don't go out and mingle much, my partner on the other hand, is well... Anyway, thanks to his none existent shyness I now have a picture of me and Vince to show off haha.
We got to take home educational books by local author, Dr. Marnie Moya-Prudencio, at reasonable prices and even got our copies signed! We met the cover boy on both books too, who happens to be the author's very own son.
We don't usually join raffles or giveaways since our chance of winning anything is always slim, but much to our surprise we won a subscription of BitDefender Total Security 2015 for an entire year!
To answer the questions on the feedback form we forgot to fill up and hand in:
What we like BEST about Blogapalooza 2015: Seasons? The opportunity to connect with businesses and other bloggers, that in itself is reason enough to thank the whole team in making this event possible.
What we like BEST about Blogapalooza 2015: Seasons? The opportunity to connect with businesses and other bloggers, that in itself is reason enough to thank the whole team in making this event possible.
What we like LEAST about Blogapalooza 2015: Seasons? The no seats of any sort for the bloggers situation. Our comfort should be taken into consideration too. It was a 10am to 9pm event and we didn't have anywhere to rest on after the long hours of walking and standing in the room.
Our message to our Blogapalooza Family:
We appreciate all of your efforts, hopefully next year will be better than this one.
- Stools/chairs for bloggers and their guests
- Charging stations for our gadgets
- Free Wifi that can accommodate the total number of people present
- Brief the businesses/business representatives, some of them weren't really that engaging. It was like they didn't want to talk to bloggers at all.
- A 2 or 3 day event might be better
Best Booth:
To tell you the truth Dave and I weren't even aware that there was a Winter Boulevard, Spring Lane, Summer Street or Autumn Avenue. I am looking at the map right now and don't see labels for each of the said designated area.
To tell you the truth Dave and I weren't even aware that there was a Winter Boulevard, Spring Lane, Summer Street or Autumn Avenue. I am looking at the map right now and don't see labels for each of the said designated area.
But we do have a favorite booth in mind, it was by far the best among all of them. The Snipe PH booth! Their mobile app rocks and the story behind their company was absolutely inspiring. They had a very fun and interactive booth and all of their representatives were so passionate about the service they can provide that you just can't help but be drawn in once they start telling you about it.
We had to cut it short, since we have 3 kids waiting at home and wondering where their mom who never leaves the house was haha. Anyway, I was at my limit around lunch time so we left. We missed a lot, we know but learned a ton already from the booths we visited and the people we met.
Overall our first blog event was a good one! Thanks again to the whole team, sponsors and the businesses who took part in it! Looking forward to next year's Blogapalooza! Hopefully, I can go to that one as well. Let's keep our fingers crossed on that one, ok? :)