Hand sewn felt crafts

Other than being thrust into the world of planners due to the usefulness they bring when it comes to staying organized plus the perks of getting to know creative individuals and the decorating involved, felt craft has taken my interest as well. I have a bit of knowledge when it comes to sewing, hand sewing, that is. So when I found a lot of beautifully hand sewn crafts made from the soft material I definitely decided to try it out for some projects around the house and also for the kids.

I've always found sewing relaxing and therapeutic since I love working with my hands. I cook from scratch, butcher meats, break down poultry, I got into clay at one time, I draw too, so I figured that sewing might be for me too. It all started when I saw a hand sewn felt doll on Instagram and wanted one for my daughter, but the Etsy shop owner was based in the US. I could just imagine how much the shipping would cost and the doll wasn't that cheap either. Making one myself looks like the only route to take. Check out some of the felt crafts that caught my eye, which I'm sure we can do ourselves ladies:

(Photo Credits to the owners)

Aren't they just gorgeous? I think I'll be starting off with making flat patches first before making plushies or stuffed ones, then I plan to tackle those individual letters for a hanging sign on Miss Artsy' room. She'd love that. Dolls are really my goal which I have no idea how to make at present, but I'll find out soon! I have to admit that right now, I have my hands tied up with a lot of commitments and projects for the blog, making it hard for me to plunge into felt as much as I want to at the moment. But once those are done and I get a breather, this is definitely at the top of my To Do List for sure. I'm canvasing for supplies now and researching on all the materials I'll be needing, so I'm not that far off with this project although it has indeed taken a back seat with recent events coming up. I'm going to need:

  • Felt Cloth
  • Sewing Kit (I don't know why I don't own one haha)
  • Embellishments (Buttons, yarn, etc)
  • Felt Wool
  • Fabric paint
  • Fabric Glue
Most of the suppliers I've talked to are on Instagram, score for me! Online shopping is such a dear, I won't have to leave the house to do craft shopping! I'll keep you updated on this new fascination of mine, hopefully in a month's time I'll be able to finish one project and post a DIY blow by blow article here on the blog!


Article published on October 15, 2015
