Fresh Soybeans are not fit for human consumption
Unfermented Soybeans contain potent anti-nutrients. So what does it mean? It means that, soybeans in their fresh and natural form, contains phytochemicals that have toxic effects to the human body once ingested. The three major anti-nutrients present in soybeans are goitrogens, phytates (phytic acid), and enzyme inhibitors.
Historical writings regarding soybeans that can be dated back to as early as 3000 B.C., state that the Emperor of
China listed the usefulness of the soybean plant for regenerating the soil for
future crops. His praises only centered around the root of the plant and not the
bean mind you. These ancient writing also suggested that the Chinese back then recognized the
unfitness of soybeans for human consumption in their natural form. Now we are sadly once again catching on to the anti-nutritive
qualities of soybeans, and not many are aware that the only soybean worth
eating is one that has been fermented.
Back in 1000 B.C. a very smart person Chinese discovered that a mold, when
allowed to grow on soybeans, destroyed the toxins present and made the
nutrients in the beans available to the be absorbed by the human body. This process is famously known
as fermentation which led to the creation of the still very popular miso and soy sauce.
Majority of the soy products available in the market are not health food contrary to popular belief, with the exception of fermented soy. Dr. Kaayla Daniel, author of the book, The Whole Soy Story, pointed out many of the studies that link soy to immune-system breakdown, malnutrition, digestive distress, reproductive disorders, thyroid dysfunction, cognitive decline and infertility— cancer and even heart disease. Here are just some of the health effects that have been linked to fresh soy consumption:
- Infant abnormalities
- Kidney stones
- Brain damage
- Immune system impairment
- Breast cancer
- Severe, potentially fatal food allergies
- Thyroid disorders
- Danger during pregnancy and nursing
- Impaired fertility
Soy can be incredibly good for us, but ONLY if it is organic and properly fermented of course. After a long fermentation process, both the anti-nutrient and phytate levels of soybeans are drastically reduced, and their beneficial properties are released for your digestive system. It is common knowledge nowadays that the Japanese people live longer and have lower rates of cancer than the Americans because they eat so much soy—but what they you may not know is that it's primarily fermented soy that they eat, and it's always been that way. Fermented soy products are the only recommended ones fit for consuming. These are the primary fermented soy products you'll find:
- Cheonggukjang Is a fermented soybean paste used in Korean cuisine which contains both whole and ground soybeans.
- Doenjang Is a traditional Korean fermented soybean paste which name literally means "thick paste" in the Korean language.
- Doubanjiang It is a spicy, salty paste made from fermented broad beans, soybeans, salt, rice, with different spices. It comes in 2 variants, plain and spicy, with the latter containing red chili peppers which is mostly used in Szechuan cuisine.
- Douchi It is most widely used for making black bean sauce in China, the preparation process and product are similar to that of ogiri and iru, both being African fermented bean products.
- Fermented bean paste This is a category of fermented foods typically made from ground soybeans, which are indigenous to the cuisines of Asia countries.
- Gochujang Is a savory and pungent fermented Korean condiment that is made from red chili, salt, glutinous rice, and fermented soybeans. In the past, it has been naturally fermented over years in large earthen pots outdoors, more often on an elevated stone platform, called jangdokdae.
- Jajangmyeon Is made of wheat noodles topped with a thick sauce consisting of chunjang which is a salty black soybean paste, diced vegetables and pork, and sometimes also seafood.
- Mianchi Is similar to Douchi but made with white soybeans.
- Miso A popular traditional Japanese seasoning produced by fermenting barley, rice, and/or soybeans with salt and the fungus kōjikin (麹菌), the most typical miso being the one made with soy. The result is a thick paste used for sauces, spreads, for pickling vegetables or meats, and mixing with dashi soup stock to serve as the world famous miso soup called misoshiru (味噌汁), an admittedly Japanese culinary staple.
- Nattō Is a traditional Japanese food made from soybeans fermented with Bacillus subtilis. It is especially popular as a breakfast food in the country. Nattō can be an acquired taste because of its powerful unique aroma, strong distinct flavor, and slimy consistency.
- Pickled tofu Is a form of processed, preserved tofu used as a condiment made from soybeans. The ingredients are typically soybeans, rice wine, sesame oil or vinegar, salt and are sold in jars containing blocks that are about 2 to 4cm square by 1 to 2 cm in thickness, soaked in brine with flavorings.
- Soy sauce Is a condiment produced from a fermented paste of boiled soybeans, roasted grain, brine, and Aspergillus oryzae or Aspergillus sojae molds. After the fermentation process, the paste is then pressed, producing a liquid, which is the soy sauce, and a solid byproduct, which is often used for animal feed. Soy sauce is a traditional ingredient in East and Southeast Asian cuisines, where it is used both in cooking and simply as a condiment. It originated in China and spread throughout Asia. At present, it is used in Western cuisine and prepared foods.
- Stinky tofu Is a form of fermented tofu that has a strong odor. Unlike the cheese-making process, stinky tofu fermentation does not have a fixed formula for starter bacteria; wide regional and individual variations exist in both manufacturing and preparing this kind of tofu. The traditional method for producing stinky tofu is to prepare a brine made from fermented milk, meat and vegetables; the brine can sometimes also include dried shrimp, bamboo shoots, amaranth greens, mustard greens, and some Chinese herbs. The brine fermentation can take as long as several months.
- Tamari Is darker in appearance and richer in flavor compared to koikuchi, Japan's most-produced soy sauce. It contains little or no wheat at all. The wheat-free tamari can be used by people who suffer from gluten intolerance. It is the "original" Japanese soy sauce, as its recipe is closest to the soy sauce originally introduced to Japan from China. Technically, this variety is known as miso-damari (味噌溜り), as this is the liquid that runs off miso as it matures.
- Tauchu Is a paste made from preserved soybeans and often used when steaming fish in Hubei cuisine.
- Tauco Is a paste made from preserved fermented yellow soybeans used in Chinese and Indonesian cuisine. The sauce is often used as condiment and flavoring for stir fried dishes.
- Tempeh Is a traditional soy product originally from Indonesia which is made by a natural culturing and controlled fermentation process that binds soybeans into a cake form, similar to a very firm vegetarian burger patty.
- Tianmianjiang (Sweet bean sauce) Is a thick, dark brown or black-colored Chinese sauce, which is made from wheat flour, sugar, mantou, salt and fermented yellow soybeans.
- Tương Is a fermented bean paste made from soybean and commonly used in Vietnamese cuisine. It may range in consistency from a thick paste to a thin liquid.
- Yellow soybean paste Is a fermented paste consisting of yellow soybeans, salt, and water; wheat flour, though not formerly used before, is now often used as an additional ingredient, and potassium sorbate (cancer causing) may also be used as a preservative. Read the labels and stir away if it dose have potassium sorbate in it. :)
- Chagem pomba Is a curry made from fermented Manipuri soybean, together with various kind of veggies like mustard, spinach, and manipuri herbs like Dill leaves (Pakhom), Culantro (Awa-Phadigom), Fenugreek leaves (Methi mana), etc.
My family and I stay away from the popular soy milk, soy cheese, soy ice cream, soy yogurt, soy "meat," products that contain soy protein & oil, and even Edamame. Eliminating fresh soy bean food products from our diet definitely made a visibly huge difference for our family health wise for a whole decade now. You should take your time and do some more research on the subject yourself. Try only consuming fermented soy products too! :)