What isn't on Youtube nowadays? I watch a lot of cooking shows on it and get almost all of the recipes that I cook at home by following the videos uploaded on the site. So when it came to music lessons this summer, for our eldest, Youtube video tutorials were the first thing that popped in our minds. It also helps that we own a ukelele (which we have to tune up one of these days) and a keyboard to play with at home. Now it's just a case of choosing which instrument and finding the right video tutorials that are easy enough for a 10 year old to learn. We let Miss Artsy decide, and she chose the keyboard.

Here's a great video for beginners from Instant Piano Genius. Miss Artsy already knows how to play the "Twist and Shout" chorus and we just found this video yesterday! The number system indeed is better than memorizing chords in learning how to play the piano.

How about a piano tutorial of the hit Disney song "Let It Go?" They have that too. Check out this video from PianoKeyz. Who wouldn't want to learn how to play their favorite song on the piano right? This particular one got our daughter more fired up for her piano lessons. 

If like us and you're thinking about having your kids take music lessons this summer you might want to consider just letting them watch self-help videos like these. If you already have instruments at home, a computer and internet connection then you don't actually have to pay someone for lessons, when you can get it for free. Think about the savings on both time and money. Just make sure you give them some much needed support and guidance all throughout this learning experience. They can't do it alone, being there for them will help a great deal.

Now I'm off to try and play the "Johnny Be Good" chorus from the first video, yes, I decided to study along with my daughter to make it more fun for her. When I do get to learn how to play an entire song, I might just record it and post the video on the blog for all my readers to watch haha. Don't hold your breath on that one, it might take me a while. But I'm definitely posting one of Miss Artsy's, she's a faster learner than I am. Will keep you posted! Have a great Summer!


Article published on April 20, 2015
