Being parents of 4, getting your toddlers to eat the proper amount of fruits and veggies on a daily basis can be quite a challenge. Sneaking it in dishes and changing what it looks like is one strategy that works for us but we still want them to enjoy eating veggies without having to secretly add them to their meals haha. Wishful thinking? Maybe not.

Juicing, we discovered, is one fun way for kids to get their fruits and veggie fix without the usual "yuck" reaction haha. You can make them drink straight up juice or use the vegetable and fruit extract to make yummy popsicles perfect for summer or the base of home made gummies/gellies that kids love so much. Just use your imagination! Have the kids help to so they know how their favorite snacks are made from scratch and why they're good compared to the store bought ones.

I personally have always wanted a juicer in our kitchen, ever since I figured out how DetoxifyBar, Juice Jab, The Skinny Juicery, and the like, made theirs. Of course, Dave and I wanted to DIY ours at home. To us it would be a great way to get the most out of fruits and vegetables and get the daily amount recommended for one's diet to keep fit and healthy. Plus the kids get to watch the cut up fruits and vegetables go into the juicer transforming them into a delicious drink we knew they were going to love sipping. We always want nothing but the best for our family, so when it was time to decide on which slow juicer to get, a Hurom was the first that came to mind.

Hurom spent the last 40 years in developing technology which benefits our health and building eco-friendly environment. Hurom, launched in 1974 with the name Dong Ah Industry, who were known as a leader in the extractor industry. Since 1974, Dong Ah launched the world’s first patent technology using a screw to squeeze juice out of fruits and vegetable rather than high-speed grinding method.

Globally recognized in more than 70 countries such as United States, Europe, Asia, South America, and the Middle East. Hurom is being awarded for its quality and service. Hurom carry patents in more than 40 countries worldwide.

With the technology and more than 40 years of experiences in kitchen appliance industry, Hurom has been selected by World-class Product Award of KOTRA in 2010 and 2011. Hurom has been recognized in many International Invention Fairs including a Grand Slam of design awards: IF Design, IDEA, and Red Dot Design. 

We decided to purchase a Hurom in Duty Free Philippines, since my mom came home for her annual vacation from Africa at that time. We chose to go with the Hurom HA-100 (priced at $300) in red, of course, my favorite color haha.

The Hurom Slow Juicer HA-100RB
  • Utilizes the Low Speed Technology System method
  • Auger RPM: 80
  • Noise level: 30 - 55 dBA
  • Power Consumption: 150 Watts
  • Quiet
  • Lightweight and compact
  • Convenient handle
  • Energy-efficient

the complete package comes with:
  • 1 Hurom Juicer base with easy-carry handle
  • 1 Juice Container
  • 1 Pulp Container
  • 1 Hopper
  • 1 Hopper Lid
  • 1 Auger
  • 1 Chamber
  • 1 Spinning Brush
  • 1 Fine Strainer
  • 1 Coarse Strainer
  • 1 Silicone Cleaning Brush
  • 1 Pusher
  • 1 Tofu Frame
  • 1 Manual
  • 1 Juicing Recipe Book

We've been juicing with our Hurom for more than 2 years now and it has indeed made our lives better with each glass of fresh pure juice extract. It's easy to use and the recipes are simple enough to follow for beginners. The slow rotating motor makes little noise and vibration to our delight since we have a baby who naps at different hours in the day. It has integrated heat vents, so the machine doesn't overheat even when you juice a large batch. It has duplicate safety sensors that only allows the machine to turn on only if it is accurately and completely assembled on the base.

Clean up is a breeze. It might look daunting to assemble (like other bulky kitchen appliances) and take apart for washing, but it really isn't once you figure out how after reading the manual. It's actually self-cleaning! Our juicer is even stylish to look at, which is another plus. Our Hurom slow juicer was indeed the perfect pick, it makes juicing fun and super easy! Invest in your health thru juicing, join the bandwagon today!

Are you on the look out for a slow juicer? How about checking out Hurom, it definitely stretched our peso!


Article published on April 25, 2017
