I for one have joined the bandwagon in going back to using my hardcopy Bible when it comes to studying or simply reading His word and not use a Bible App in my mobile/tab. Have you? Mobile apps are admittedly handy when you go out but when you're at home, in church, or aren't on the go, a harcopy Bible is still the best choice by far.

Dave gave his old KJV Bible to our eldest for her Bible Study lessons, basically to avoid distractions that Bible apps pose, being that they're installed in smartphones/tablets. The pop-up ads for one is something we don't want our child to be exposed to, period. Then there's the calls or messages, other notifications that might come through while she is using the Bible app, which makes it not recommended when you genuinely want to have alone time with God. She's just a kid so she isn't that familiar with the books of the Bible like some, and finds it hard & a bit time consuming just to look for the exact page where the verse she was going to study is.

Wouldn't it be convenient for kids or anybody who isn't that familiar with scripture yet if they didn't have that much trouble looking for the books in the Bible, or even visit the table of contents frequently just to search for the page they're on?

Well, have you ever heard of Bible sticker tabs? A couple of months ago I purchased a set from Certified Positive for my own Bible (as seen on the photo above), being only shy of 4 years into reading and studying His word, I am sadly still not that familiar with the placement of all 66 books, unlike Dave who can find them in seconds. Did you know that Certified Positive produced the first ever locally made Bible Tab Stickers in the Philippines? Well, they did! Plus they just released new sets of these very helpful product as well, and I am quite blessed to be one of those who could try them out just after its launch. Check them out:

Now we have 3 design types to pick from: the Pattern Type where you can opt from:
  • Back to School
  • Floral
  • Hearts
  • Steel (the one I got that matches well with my Bible)
  • Wood
as seen in the photo above. For this type, you have to purchase the Old Testament and New Testament tabs separately.

There is also the Plains Type that comes in:
  • Rainbow
  • Pastel Green
  • Pastel Red
  • Solid Blue
  • Solid Purple
as seen on the photo above. Each set already has both the Old and New Testaments in each package. Lastly we have the Tagalog type where you can choose between Black and White which also include both the Old and New Testaments in each pack.

Certified Positive's Bible Tab Stickers contain 39 Old Testament Bible tab stickers from Genesis to Malachi, 27 New Testament Bible tab stickers from the book of Matthew to Revelation, has practice tabs, extra sticker tabs, a "This Bible Belongs To" sticker, and a Bible Placement guide with full instructions on how to tab your Bible. The stickers are all individually cut so all you need to do is to peel them off and stick. Check out how we did Miss Artsy's KJV Bible:

The first step was to pick which design to choose, it was between the Back to School design and the Solid Purple design for Miss Artsy.

Yup, her favorite color won in the end. :)

You'll see all 66 bible tab stickers, 2 additional tab stickers, 2 practice stickers, a "This Bible Belongs To" sticker and the of course the placement guide with easy to follow instructions.

Now comes the practice part! We had to practice as I didn't really do well with my own, it didn't have the guide then. Glad they included instructions and a placement guide to the new sets, a helpful addition in each pack, that's for sure.

Time to do the real deal, and here's how it went:

It was fairly easy to set the tab stickers unto the first page of each book of the Bible. Just make sure to use the placement guide and follow the instructions. Now, for the big reveal! It was a bit time consuming to do, but worth it in the end! Tada!

Don't they just look cute and the Bible looks more personalized too! With these Bible tab stickers in place, our daughter, like me, can now quickly find a specific book in the Bible she's looking for with ease. She doesn't need to go check the Table of Contents all the time anymore during Bible study lessons.We both love our Bibles even more now haha! These Bible tab stickers definitely stretched our peso, I'm sure it will do the same for you guys!

Get your own Certified Positive Bible Tab stickers online and avail their INTRODUCTORY price of 20% off on ALL Bible Tab Stickers exclusively on their website. 😲

Visit http://www.certifiedpositive.com/produc…/bible-tab-stickers/ to order

Until July 31, 2017 only! 😊

*Shipping starts on June 26, 2017
***Soon to be available in PCBS and selected National Bookstores nationwide

Grab yours now!



Post a Comment

  1. Nice to know you have such stickers online to add personal touch to your Bible.

  2. Aw, this is such a cute product, this is very useful for kids who are still learning more about the Bible because it could really get confusing. I remember having to look at the table of contents just to find a verse when I still didn't know the following books of the Bible so it's really great that we already have this. :)


Article published on July 4, 2017


  1. Nice to know you have such stickers online to add personal touch to your Bible.

  2. Aw, this is such a cute product, this is very useful for kids who are still learning more about the Bible because it could really get confusing. I remember having to look at the table of contents just to find a verse when I still didn't know the following books of the Bible so it's really great that we already have this. :)

