Miss Artsy's first DIY craft project
I introduced Miss Artsy to the world of planners and arts & craft shopping on Instagram this summer. She has a Coco Diary as her daily planner, tons of planner stickers, washi tapes and paper tapes (for labels), stamps, ink pads, different notebooks (for doodling and taking down notes) and cute pens. Every time we'd place an order and settle payment of course, she would always be on the look out for an LBC or Xend delivery guy that comes by, hoping he had her package. She just couldn't wait to get her hands on them. The amount of craft items she got for herself on a weekly basis from then on (with her own money) definitely called for a craft box to hold them in. I have a whole closet for mine, but enough about me haha.
It was when I was tidying up her room after the Little Hulk made a mess of it that I found an old shoe box with nothing in it just lying around. We never throw anything that can be recycled, you guys should see our rooms haha. Anyway, I saw the old shoe box and just thought craft box. I told Miss Artsy about the idea right away and she was all for it. She rummaged around the house for anything that we already had that we could use for the impromptu art project. Here are the materials:
Day 1 and 2
It was when I was tidying up her room after the Little Hulk made a mess of it that I found an old shoe box with nothing in it just lying around. We never throw anything that can be recycled, you guys should see our rooms haha. Anyway, I saw the old shoe box and just thought craft box. I told Miss Artsy about the idea right away and she was all for it. She rummaged around the house for anything that we already had that we could use for the impromptu art project. Here are the materials:
- Old shoe box
- Paint Brush
- Scratch Papers
- Empty Jar
- Poster Paint
- Stickers
- Washi Tapes
- A pallet or anything you could use to hold the paint (a mini frisbee in our case haha)
Day 1 and 2
We started out by painting the outside of the box with the poster paint. It took my daughter about 20 minutes to finish the first coat, then we let it dry for 2 hours before applying a second coating. The next day she decided to add a third coat but used a Magenta colored paint instead, because we ran out of the Violet one. We let it dry overnight again to be on the safe side.
Day 3
The next day, she added paper tapes and stickers for the finishing touches. She even drew a sketch of her design the night before and tried to follow it to a tee haha. She's showing promising skills as a crafter for a 10-year old and I very much enjoyed assisting and guiding her throughout this summer project. We got to play with paint and stickers plus we ended up with a nice box where she could finally store all her craft items in! And we didn't even spend a single centavo! That is a pretty sweet deal. :)
How about you? What art projects have you done with your kid/s this summer?
Day 3
The next day, she added paper tapes and stickers for the finishing touches. She even drew a sketch of her design the night before and tried to follow it to a tee haha. She's showing promising skills as a crafter for a 10-year old and I very much enjoyed assisting and guiding her throughout this summer project. We got to play with paint and stickers plus we ended up with a nice box where she could finally store all her craft items in! And we didn't even spend a single centavo! That is a pretty sweet deal. :)
How about you? What art projects have you done with your kid/s this summer?